Pridnestrovie views 2008 with cautious optimism
Pridnestrovie is entering the new year with an attitude of careful, cautious optimism. A Moldovan member of the young country's parliament says that everything will be fine as long as Moldova stops interfering.Attitudes in Moldova changed in the past year, with a majority of thepopulation now willing to let Pridnestrovie have its freedom andindependence.

Festive season's decoration from a middle class home in Tiraspol, the capital of Pridnestrovie. (Photo: Ekaterina Semenyuk)
RYBNITSA (Tiraspol Times) - Entering 2008, Pridnestrovie'spro-independence population is cautiously optimistic that this will bea better year for the unrecognized country and that its freedom is notat risk.
Having declared independence in 1990, 2008 is the year that thePridnestrovskaia Moldavskaia Respublica (PMR) will turn eighteen yearsold.
Although Pridnestrovie functions as a separate and sovereigncountry, its "de facto" independence is still not recognizeddiplomatically by other states. This could change in 2008, say some inthe capital Tiraspol, where all eyes are on Kosovo and its own bid forindependence as it seeks to break away from Serbia and hopes forpartial international recognition.
The Speaker of Pridnestrovie's Parliament, opposition leader YevgenyShevchuk, officially announced that international relations will beintensified in 2008. If this can not be done through the foreignministries, for formal diplomatic reasons, then the contacts will behandled in a "people to people" diplomacy as well as through directcontacts to parliaments in other countries.
" - Normal constructive relations between government agencies mayensure and allow free movement of citizens of Ukraine, Moldova andPridnestrovie and goods," said Shevchuk in his prediction for 2008.
" - We want to promote contacts with neighboring states, we shouldand need to have a dialogue with neighbors on terms mutually profitablefor both parties," he added, noting that Parliament has a plan forintensifying its relations with Parliaments of neighboring states.

Optimistic:" - We know that all planned macroeconomic indicators can be met ifthere is simply no interference from the outside," says ethnic MoldovanPeter Pasat, a member of Pridnestrovie's Parliament.
- Viable statehood
Internally, the new and emerging country has shown itself to beself-sustaining even in the absence of financial aid from abroad. Thisgives optimism to its population because it proves that "going italone" and maintaining its independent statehood is viable.
" - Transdniestria is entering the new year with more confidence.This is because we know that all planned macroeconomic indicators canbe met if there is simply no interference from the outside," said PeterPasat, an ethnic Moldovan who is a member of Pridnestrovie's parliamentfor opposition party Renewal. His implicit message to Moldova was clear: Leave us alone, and we will do just fine, thank you.
In his annual New Year's Address, the President of Pridnestroviealso said that 2008 will be a better year than any of the previous 17in the young country's history.
" - Better management in all parts of life: the economy, education,science - every year, everything gets better," said Igor Smirnov.
" - In 2008 we will celebrate the 18th anniversary of our nation. Wehave in all ways constructed our statehood, and this is your merit,"the President told the 550,000 citizens of Pridneevestrovie on TV fromTiraspol.